Film Cloud

The Film Cloud is a film management system that digitizes all processes of film production.
Exposés, treatments, scripts, audience ratings, licenses, and contracts - they can all be digitally managed in one tool.
The film cloud provides a continuous overview of all projects, calculations, finances, and much more.
You can also manage the required employee data, including business trips, vacations and sick leave, simply and clearly in
the Film Cloud.
Scripts: Manage and modify your scripts at any stage of your project. Distribute and view segments of scripts to suit your participants’ needs.
Audience Rating: View and track audience rating in and over time.
Licenses: Access information about licenses, what they are linked to and how they permit distribution, copyright, and trademarks.
Finance: Review and manage financial income and outgoings for your current, long- and short-term setup.
Distribution: Activities to support the distribution of film and video licenses.
Employees: Watch who is on-set and in the office, at which times, what their tasks are, and how they relate to projects.
